Updates and Information about Personal Injury Law in Washington
This blog is a way for our firm to update you about the newest happenings in personal injury law, as well as to provide tips and advice for what to do if you're injured because of someone else's negligent actions.
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New Safety Campaign Reveals How Vulnerable the Human Body is to the Effects of Car AccidentsA new safety campaign gives an in-depth look at the most vulnerable parts of our bodies and how we would need to adapt to survive car accidents.
Pokémon Go Safety Concerns: Negligent Players Causing Car AccidentsThe Pokémon Go smartphone game has taken the world by storm. But there are safety concerns abound for both drivers and pedestrians engaged in the app.
How did Washington State’s traffic policies rate?According to CPSTF and NHTSA’s traffic policy ratings, Washington State could use work becoming a safer place to drive. For accident help: 425-399-7000.
The 100 Deadliest Days of Driving Start Soon: How Parents Can PrepareThe 100 deadliest days for teen drivers begins Memorial Day and ends on Labor Day. Here is how parents can prepare themselves.
4 Ways Everybody Can Observe Motorcycle Safety Awareness MonthAnyone who shares the road with motorcycles can and should observe Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. For help with motorcycle accidents: 425-399-7000.
Types of Dental Injuries from a Car AccidentDental injuries from a car accident can have serious physical and emotional repercussions. For help recovering dental injury compensation: 425-399-7000.
Bike Everywhere Challenge Coming to Seattle in MayWashington Bikes’ Bike Everywhere Challenge is from May 1 to May 31. Find out how to sign up and participate in Bike Everywhere Month here.
Second Avenue Bike Lanes Getting Speed BumpsIn an attempt to make Seattle streets safer for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers alike, the city is adding speed bumps to the Second Avenue bike lane.
3 Post-Accident Pain Tracking AppsTracking pain can be difficult, but these three post-accident pain tracking apps can help. For legal options after an accident, call 425-399-7000.
Upgrades Coming To Downtown Seattle Bike LaneWhile the bike lanes in Seattle undergo upgrades, accidents can still happen. If you have been injured, contact Max Meyers Law PLLC at 425-399-7000.
IIHS Report: Less than Half of Headlights Are AcceptableThe results of the first IIHS headlight study may prompt manufacturers to up their game and hopefully reduce the number of accidents on our roads.
How Child Accident Claims WorkChildren can file child accident claims in Washington State after age 18 or before using a “next friend” or guardian ad litem.
Celebrate Distracted Driving Awareness Month with Three Easy Ways to Stop Distracted DrivingTo observe Distracted Driving Awareness Month, check out these three easy ways you can keep your attention on the road.
Seattle Makes Top 5 for Worst Traffic Cities in the U.S.Seattle made it into the top five for worst traffic cities in the U.S. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in an accident, call 425-399-7000.
Rise of Pedestrian Deaths in Washington in 2015Early reports show a 28 percent increase in pedestrian deaths in Washington State in 2015. Max Meyers can help you file an injury claim: 425-399-7000.
Pronto Bike Share Will Continue Under Seattle GovernmentSeattle will purchase the Pronto bike share program, with the hope of keeping the service around to expand access to bicycles and promote cycling in the city.
Washington Motorcycle Law: Bill Would Allow Washington Motorcyclists to Pass on Left When Traffic StallsNew potential change to Washington motorcycle law would allow riders to pass on left in traffic. Max Meyers helps motorcycle accident victims: 425-399-7000.
3 Ways to Ruin Your Personal Injury ClaimMake sure to check out these three ways to ruin your personal injury claim to ensure you do everything you can to protect your rights after a car accident.
Seattle’s High Car Accident Frequency: Seattle Drivers Only Go an Average of 7 Years Between AccidentsAllstate ranked Seattle drivers pretty low on its safe driving cities report, with a car accident frequency of one accident per person every seven years.
Teen Drivers in Seattle Waiting Longer to Get Licenses - Does it make them worse drivers?According to new studies, teen drivers in Seattle are waiting longer to get their licenses which may make them worse drivers during their lifetime.