Many insurance companies will misinform consumers and trick them into believing that receiving a quick settlement is somehow a good thing after suffering injury in a Washington car accident.
Insurance Companies Count on Your Stress
When you’re injured in an accident through no fault of their own, medical bills can add up quickly, as can lost wages from missing time at work. The financial stress can quickly become overwhelming. Insurance companies use your stress to their advantage by offering a “quick settlement” to lure the injury victim into settling a car accident claim. Insurance companies also count on some folks thinking "I don't want to take advantage" or "I just want my ER medical bill paid."
The problem with this is you may not know the full extent of your damages a couple days or a week after the wreck. More serious injuries sometimes don’t become apparent right away (like injuries to a disc in your spine) and it can take weeks or months after the wreck for your doctor to figure out exactly what’s wrong and why you’re not recovering as quickly as expected. However, once an accident victim agrees to settle their personal injury claim it cannot be reopened!
Settling your claim before all of the potential injuries and damages have been discovered risks having more issues come up down the road that won’t be compensated. What if you need surgery down the road? The insurance company knows and is why they are moving quickly. They know if you accept a quick settlement you are likely not receiving full fair compensation for all losses you have suffered in the crash.
Paperwork isn’t always required to form a settlement. If the insurance gives you an injury settlement check and you deposit it, that can be taken as your consent or agreement to settle or close the claim altogether, even though you signed no paperwork.
What Are Your Legal Options - Call For A Free Consultation
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident in Washington State, attorney Max Meyers and the team at Max Meyers Law PLLC can help get your life back on track. Attorney Max Meyers operates on a contingency fee basis, which relieves the financial stress of affording a quality lawyer. If we do not recover compensation for you, you don’t owe attorney fees.
Call for a Free Consultation 425-399-7000.