Even if you have car insurance, you may not have as much coverage as you think. These top five auto insurance myths expose the truth about coverage in Washington State, by Bellevue personal injury lawyer Max Meyers.
1. The Other Driver Has Insurance
Despite the requirement in Washington State that all drivers carry bodily injury liability insurance in amounts of $25,000 and $50,000 per accident, as well as property damage liability insurance in an amount of $10,000, not all drivers follow the law. In fact, some sources suggest that the number of uninsured drivers in Washington State is as high as 16 percent.
2. Your Car is Worth What You Paid for it
In the event that you’re in a car accident and your vehicle is totaled, the insurance company typically will pay you for the cost of the vehicle’s worth. However, don’t be surprised if the check that you receive is much less than you were expecting -- as soon as cars drive off the lot, they depreciate. It’s probable that your vehicle is worth much less than it was when you first bought it, even if it's fairly new.
3. Your Insurance Will Pay for Your Damage Regardless of How it Happened
If the only type of car insurance that you have is the basic liability package, your insurance company won’t pay for damages that occur due to floods, fires, theft, falling tree limbs or other natural disasters. Instead, these types of damages are only covered under comprehensive and collision coverage types, which are both optional in the state of Washington. Unless you’ve purchased them, don’t be surprised when your car insurance company denies your claim.
4. You Only Need the Minimum Amount of Liability Insurance
As mentioned above, the minimum auto insurance requirements in Washington State are $25,000, $50,000 and $10,000 for bodily injury liability per person, bodily injury liability per accident and property damage liability per accident, respectively. However, purchasing more than the minimum amount of liability insurance -- as well as other insurance types -- may be in your best interest. If damages exceed your policy amount, you may have to pay for them out of pocket.
5. Your Insurance Agent Has Your Best Interests at Heart
Despite the fact that you pay your monthly premiums on time and in full every month, don’t be shocked if, when you’re in an accident and file your claim, it feels as though your settlement amount is much less than it really should be. While car insurance companies help provide coverage, they’re also designed to make a profit. There’s a chance that when you file a claim for compensation, your settlement amount will be lowballed significantly.
Let a Bellevue Car Accident Attorney Help You
If you’ve been in a car accident and are searching for a solution to pay for your damages, let the attorneys at Max Meyers Law PLLC represent you. Whether you want to file a personal injury claim for damages or could use a hand negotiating with your insurance company, we’re the right team for you. Contact us today to learn more at 425-399-7000.