The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) frequently tests cars and issues ratings for automobiles based on their safety. Recently, the IIHS Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) found that the Honda Accord crash avoidance system actually reduced insurance claims.
The crash avoidance system currently on the Honda Accord, including both the two-door as well as four-door models, is basically a warning system. The system detects when the car is in danger of veering out of the lane, or in danger of colliding with a pedestrian or a stationary object in front of the car.
The system then delivers a warning to the driver, cautioning him about the impending crash. The HLDI found that even though this was just a warning system, it seemed to do as good a job of reducing the risk of accidents as previously tested systems that were equipped with auto brakes.
What did the HLDI find about the Honda Accord’s safety features?
According to the HLDI, the tests found certain significant reductions in insurance claim rates for vehicles equipped with the crash avoidance system.
Those reductions include drops of:
- 14 percent in property damage liability claims (this coverage pays for property damage to another vehicle in the accident);
- $409 in the collision claim severity (the average loss payment per claim);
- 40 percent in bodily injury liability claims (this coverage pays for injuries to the occupants of the other vehicle involved in the accident);
- 27 percent in medical payment claims (this coverage covers the occupants of the insured vehicle regardless of fault); and
- 11 percent in personal injury protection claims (this covers occupants of the insured car regardless of who is at fault in the accident in no-fault insurance states).
The HLDI was impressed with was the fact that the Honda Accord seemed to deliver very good results in reducing the risk of accidents and damage claims in spite of the fact that it does not come with an automatic braking feature. A crash avoidance system that comes equipped with an automatic brake system not only detects an accident risk in the path of the vehicle and warns the motorist, but also automatically activates the brakes in order to prevent an accident.
Other warning systems evaluated previously did not reduce claims to the extent that the Honda Accord safety feature did. This might indicate that the Honda system works better than the warning-only systems on other vehicles tested previously.
What to Look for in a New Car
A lot of people are concerned with buying the safest car for their family. Check out safety ratings, like the ones developed by the IIHS or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). These are good places to start comparing vehicles before you make a decision. Automobiles these days are designed with many safety features that don’t just minimize the risk of injuries in an accident, like airbags and seat belts, but actually work proactively to help minimize the risk of accidents.
If you have suffered injuries in an accident that another motorist caused, you can recover damages for losses through a car accident claim. Call to set up an appointment to speak with a car accident lawyer at Max Meyers Law, or fill out our online contact form to set up a consultation.