Looking for More Info About Traffic Accidents in Seattle? Browse Our Resources
These are some of our favorite resources and links if you're doing research and hope to learn more about your case.
Motorcycle Accidents
American Motorcyclist Association (AMA)
As the world's largest motorcycling organization, the AMA promotes the motorcyclist lifestyle. This website contains news, safety tips, and lists of events and clubs.
Car Accidents
Distracted Driving
This website from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides vital information about the dangers of distracted driving: facts and statistics, state laws, research, how to get involved in prevention, and stories from victims and their families.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Since 1970, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been the nation’s top authority on transportation safety issues. This website contains everything you need to stay safe on the road, including tips for driving safety, vehicle safety, research, data, and laws.
Semi-truck Accidents
Truck Safety Coalition
A partnership between the Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways (CRASH) Foundation and Parents Against Tired Truckers (P.A.T.T.), the Truck Safety Coalition is dedicated to reducing the number of deaths and injuries caused by truck-related crashes. The organization is provides compassionate support to truck wreck survivors and families of victims.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, regulates buses and trucks across the United States. Its website provides information about trucks, including rules and regulations, registration and licensing, and safety and security.
Bicycle Accidents
Seattle Department of Transportation: Info for Bicyclists
Bicycles are an important part of Seattle’s transportation system. This website from Seattle’s transportation department provides information about the city's bicycle program, as well as bicycle maps, projects, bike shares, parking, racks, and more.